This was my first attempt at a monthly photo scavenger hunt, and I failed miserably. Oops! So I've decided to combine some old photos with the few that I did manage to take this month.
A view of the Bow River from the Peace Bridge.
Nothing makes me happier than how colourful nature can be.
A view of the Bow River from the Peace Bridge.
Nothing makes me happier than how colourful nature can be.
Definitely not taken this month, although we did have a bit of snow/sleet one day this month in Calgary, eeek.
Definitely not taken this month, although we did have a bit of snow/sleet one day this month in Calgary, eeek.
Whatever you want
A shot of the river water on a hot, sunny day.
If you want to join in as well, check out Made With Love for September's list.
A shot of the river water on a hot, sunny day.
If you want to join in as well, check out Made With Love for September's list.