I've never really been one for New Year's Resolutions mainly because they seem to be a bit forced, and are at a time when you hav...

Goals For 2016

I've never really been one for New Year's Resolutions mainly because they seem to be a bit forced, and are at a time when you have to do them, rather than wanting to do them. So instead I've given myself a list of goals I'd like to achieve and things I'd like to do. I've made sure that they're actually achievable, because there's nothing worse than setting yourself something unachievable and feeling like a failure when you can't do it.
So here are my goals for 2016.

1. Plant a tree(s)
I recently found out that scientists think that mankind has cut down around three trillion trees. I can't even begin to imagine that many trees. So in a bid to make a change (however small it may be) I want to plant a tree/trees. I'm lucky enough to live in an area where I can go out and plant one, but for those who aren't so lucky, or might not have a garden, there are plenty of other ways to get involved as well. There are a variety of groups where you can volunteer to help plant trees, such as Trees For Life. Or you can get involved by donating money to help plant trees with organisations like Woodland Trust.

2. Take more photos
I love taking photos, but I've noticed that if I'm out with other people I tend not to stop for as long as I'd like to take as many photos as I'd like. So to put it simply, this goal to be more selfish, not worry about holding others up, and take more photos.

3. Climb (hike) a mountain
The Three Peaks Challenge is definitely on my list of life goals, but I'm not sure if this is the year for it. I'd be happy with a hike up any mountain to get me started.

4. Go stargazing
I live near a dark-sky zone and yet I've very rarely gone outside and just looked up (I blame the clouds). But all this stops in 2016. I'm not really that interested in astronomy if I'm honest, but after I saw the Milky Way while camping in British Columbia I was awestruck. More of that please!

5. Go camping
Perhaps in keeping with stargazing, and hiking, I'd love to go camping more. I did a lot of 'backyard' camping as a kid, and a bit of camping (getting drunk in a field/forest) as a teenager and whilst in Canada, but now I think it's time to get serious. I feel like there's a certain stigma attached to camping in the UK - cold, wet, the tent will leak, generally just a terrible idea - but I'm sure with some proper preparation it can't be that bad.

6. Use my trail camera
I bought a trail camera in the Black Friday sales and so far while trying it out in the garden I've photographed nothing, not even the cat. Ideally I'd like to spend some time researching the best areas to put it in and then see what I can find.

7. Learn something new
One of my most important goals for 2016 is to try and learn something new at least once a week. I mean actively going and learning something, through reading and researching. Not just passively happening upon some facts from a documentary that was only on because I was too lazy to change the channel.

8. Read more books
Number 7 fits in perfectly with my final goal, to read more books. I'm definitely a TV and internet junkie. Sometimes I just use the TV as background noise while I'm refreshing various social media tabs. Enough is enough. I need to relearn the art of concentration, and patience. And maybe learn a few new words while I'm at it.

Do you have anything specific that you want to achieve this year?

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